Book chapters: International |
1 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha, O. Andrew Ochrch, Michael F Roizen, Jonathan Katz, David A. Lubrasky, and John E Ellis. Anesthesia for Vascular Surgery. In: Clinical Anesthesia, 6th Edit (2009): Editor: Barash PG et al, Published by JB Lippincott Company:
2 |
CoAuthor |
Michael F Roizen, John E Ellis, Srinivas Mantha, Joseph Foss. Perioperative anesthetic considerations in noncardiac surgery for those at high risk of cardiovascular disease. In: Text Book of Cardiovascular Medicine, 3rd edition (2007): Editor: Eric Topol et al, Published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
3 |
CoAuthor |
John E Ellis, Michael F Roizen, Srinivas Mantha, Gretchen Schwartze, James Mckinsey, David Lubrasky, and Charbel Kenaan . Anesthesia for Vascular Surgery. In: Clinical Anesthesia, 5t Edit (2006): Editor: Barash PG et al, Published by JB Lippincott Company
4 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha. Hyperparathyroidism. In: Essence of Anesthesia Practice, 2nd edition (2001). Editors: Roizen MF and Fleisher LA, Published by WB Saunders Comapany
5 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha. Malnutrition, In: Essence of Anesthesia Practice, 2nd edition (2001). Editors: Roizen MF and Fleisher LA, Published by WB Saunders Comapany
6 |
CoAuthor |
John E Ellis, Michael F Roizen, Srinivas Mantha, Tzeng G, Tina Desai. Anesthesia for Vascular Surgery. In: Clinical Anesthesia, 4t Edit (2001): Editor: Barash PG et al, Published by JB Lippincott Company
7 |
FirstAuthor |
Mantha S, Fleisher LA, Roizen MF, Ellis JE, Foss JF: Cost-effectiveness and benefit of preoperative work-up and preparation for vascular surgery, Cardiac, Vascular, and Thoracic Anesthesia. Edited by Youngberg JA. New York, Churchill Livingston, 2000, pp 2
8 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha. Hyperparathyroidism. In: Essence of Anesthesia Practice, 1st edition (1997). Editors: Roizen MF and Fleisher LA, Published by WB Saunders Comapany
9 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha. Malnutrition, In: Essence of Anesthesia Practice, 1st edition (1997). Editors: Roizen MF and Fleisher LA, Published by WB Saunders Comapany
10 |
CoAuthor |
John E Ellis, Michael F Roizen, Srinivas Mantha, Hans Wilkis. Anesthesia for Vascular Surgery. In: Clinical Anesthesia, 3rd Edition (1996), pp 871-910. Edited: by Barash PG et al, Published by JB Lippincott Company
Peer reviewed international journals |
1 |
FirstAuthor |
Mantha S.COVID-19 Vaccination in Children in India: A way Forward J Allergy Infect Dis 2021;3(1):1-2. |
2 |
FirstAuthor |
Mantha S, Tripuraneni SL,Mantha VRR. Impact of COVID-19 vaccination drive in adults on vaccineinduced immunity in India: A Markov cohort model. J Allergy Infect Dis 2021;2(3):66-72. |
3 |
FirstAuthor |
Mantha S, Tripuraneni SL, Fleisher LA, Roizen MF, Mantha VRR, Dasari PR. Relative contribution of vitamin D deficiency to subclinical atherosclerosis in Indian context: Preliminary findings. Medicine (Baltimore) 2021;100:e26916. |
4 |
FirstAuthor |
Mantha S.COVID-19 health care worker infection: Additional Concerns.Journal of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: 2:36 |
5 |
FirstAuthor |
Mantha S. Basic reproduction number, effective reproduction number and herd Immunity: Relevance to opening up of economies hampered by COVID-19. Journal of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: 1:32 |
6 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha. Ratio, rate, or risk?. Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2020. May 27 |
7 |
FirstAuthor |
Mantha S, Tripuraneni SL,Roizen MF, Fleisher LA. Proposed Modifications in the 6-minutue Walk Test for Potential Application in Patients with mild Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Step to Optimize Triage Guidelines. Anesthesia Analgesia; 2020;131:398 |
8 |
FirstAuthor |
Mantha S, Tripuraneni SL, Fleisher LA, Roizen MF. Use of Common Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Measured by Ultrasound Echo-Tracking in Cardiovascular Risk Stratification Before Noncardiac Surgery in Low-Risk Category: A Research Idea;A A Pract 2020;14:166-9 |
9 |
CoAuthor |
Padmaja Durga, Barada Prasad Sahu, Srinivas Mantha, and Gopinath Ramachandran. Development and Validation of Predictors of Respiratory Insufficiency and Mortality Scores: Simple Bedside Additive Scores for Prediction of Ventilation and In-Hospital Mortality in Acute Cervical Spine Injury. Anesthesia Analgesia 2010;110:134-40. |
10 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha, Michael F. Roizen, Joseph Foss, and John E. Ellis. Cardiac Troponin Surveillance After Abdominal Aortic Surgery . A reply.
Cardiac Troponin Surveillance After Abdominal Aortic Surgery. A reply: Anesthesia Analgesia 2009;108:1047 |
11 |
CoAuthor |
Mohler ER, Mantha S, Miller AB, Poldermans, Cropp AB, Aubin LB, Billing CB, Fleisher LA. Should biomarkers be routinely measured after vascular surgery. Vascular Medicine: 2007;12:175-181 |
12 |
FirstAuthor |
Mantha S, Foss J, Ellis JE, Roizen MF. Intense cardiac troponin surveillance for long-term benefits is cost-effective in patients undergoing open abdominal aortic surgery: A decision analysis model. Anesthesia Analgesia:2007;105:1346-56. |
13 |
FirstAuthor |
S. Mantha, Roizen MF. Madduri J, Rajender Y, Shanti Naidu K, Gayatri K. Usefulness of routine preoperative testing: a propective single-observer study. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia; 2005;17: 51-57 |
14 |
FirstAuthor |
Mantha S, Roizen MF, Fleisher LA et al: Comparing methods of clinical measurement: reporting standards for bland and altman analysis. Anesthesia Analgesia 90:593-602, 2000 |
15 |
FirstAuthor |
Mantha, S: Rational cardiac risk stratification before peripheral vascular surgery: Application of evidence-based medicine and Bayesian analysis. Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 4:198-212, 2000 |
16 |
CoAuthor |
Fleisher LA, Mantha S, Roizen MF: Medical technology assessment: an overview. Anesthesia Analgesia 87:1271-1282, 1998 |
17 |
CoAuthor |
Fleisher LA, Mantha S: Technology assessment and determination of cost-effectiveness. Problems in Anesthesia 10:293-303, 1998
18 |
FirstAuthor |
S. Mantha. Duplicate publications (letter) Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 1995;9:349-50. |
19 |
FirstAuthor |
S. Mantha, M.F.Roizen, J.Barnard, R.Thisted, J.E.Ellis, J.Foss. Relative effectiveness of four preoperative tests for predicting adverse cardiac events after vascular surgery: A meta-analysis. Anesthesia Analgesia 1994;79:422-433 |
20 |
FirstAuthor |
Michael F. Roizen, Joseph F. Foss, Srinivas Mantha. Potential cost of screening surgeons for HIV. Journal of American Medical Association 1994;272:434.
21 |
CoAuthor |
John E. Ellis, Greet Drijvers, Pedlow S, Laff SP, Sorrentino, Foss JF, Shah M, Busse JR, Srinivas Mantha, McKinsey J, Osinski J, Ronald Thisted, Michael F. Roizen et al. Premedication with oral and transdermal clonidine provides safe and efficaious postoperative sympatholysis. |
22 |
FirstAuthor |
S. Mantha. Origin of the ' Whoosh ' test (Letter). Anaesthesia 1993;48:94.
23 |
FirstAuthor |
S. Mantha, Thisted RA, Foss J, Ellis JE, Roizen MF. A proposal to use confidence intervals for visual analog scale data for pain measurement to determine clinical significance. Anesthesia & Analgesia 1993;77:1041-1047 |
24 |
FirstAuthor |
S. Mantha, S.M.Rao, B.S.Prakash, S.Mohandas, A.K.Singh. Glycine absorption and visually evoked potentials (A reply) Anaesthesia 1992;47:78 |
25 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha. Statistical tests and small samples (Letter). Anesthesiology 1992;76:475.
26 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha. Inappropriate use of linear regression analysis (Letter). Regional Anesthesia 1992;17:179-80.
27 |
FirstAuthor |
S. Mantha. Scientific approach to presenting and summarizing data. Anesthesia & Analgesia 1992;75:469-70
28 |
FirstAuthor |
S. Mantha, S.M.Rao, A.K.Singh, S.Mohandas, B.Surya Prakash Rao, N.Joshi. Visual evoked potentials and visual acuity after transurethral resection of the prostate. Anaesthesia 1991;46:491-493. |
29 |
FirstAuthor |
S.Mantha, S.M.Rao. Peri-operative management of diabetes mellitus (Letter) Anaesthesia 1991;46:900 |
30 |
FirstAuthor |
S. Mantha, S.M.Rao. Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema after attempted suicide by hanging. Anaesthesia 1990;45:993-994. |
Book chapters: National |
1 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha. Statistical analysis of comparison of two methods of measurement. In: Biostatistics. A manual of statistical methods for use in health and nutrition (1996). Editor: Prof. K. Visweswara Rao (Dept of Biostatistics, National Institute of N
National journals |
1 |
CoAuthor |
Padmaja D, Srinivas Mantha. Monitoring of neuromuscular junction. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia. 2002, 46:279-289
2 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha. Evidence-based medicine: The other side of the coin (Editorial). Journal Anesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology. 1999;15:1-5
3 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha. Statistical reporting of study results. Is there any scope for improvement? Journal Anesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology. 1994;10:81-84.
4 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha, Sujatha Bhamidipati, S.Manimala Rao. Cervical epidural block for thyroid surgery. Journal of Anaesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology 1993;9:51-52.
5 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha, S.Manimala Rao, R.A.sastry, S.Jaishanker, B.S.Raju, K.Shanthi Naidu, S.Chaitanya. Magnesium sulphate in the anaesthetic management of phaeochromocytoma. Journal of Anaesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology 1992;8:63-67.
6 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha, S.Manimala Rao, Suhasini T. Use of double-lumen endotracheal tube for nonthoracic surgery. Journal of Anaesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology 1992;8:163-165
7 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha, Suhasini T, S.Manimala Rao, RA Sastry, Gouri. MgSO4 in Pheochromocytoma. Journal of Anaesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology 1990;6:253-254.
8 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha, A.Rout, Padmanabha Iyer, Mohan Das. Hypoxemia during anaesthesia in an obese patient: Possible role of betablocker and halothane. Journal of Anaesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology 1989;5:229-231.
9 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha, H.L.Kaul, Nita Saxena, Sudhir Bahadur. Deliberate hypotension in radical head and neck surgery. Journal of Anaesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology 1988;4:193-199.
Conferences: International |
1 |
FirstAuthor |
Mantha S, Tripuraneni SL, Fleisher LA, Roizen MF. Determinants of Common Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Z score: Implications in Research Related to Myocardial Injury after Noncardiac Surgery. ePoster presented on 20th May 2020 at Annual Meeting and Workshops of Internalnational Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) San Franscisco, USA |
2 |
FirstAuthor |
Mantha S, Tripuraneni SL, Fleisher LA, Roizen MF. Use of Common Carotid Intima-Media Thickness measured by Ultrasound Echo-tracking in Cardiovascular Risk Stratification before Non-cardiac Surgery in Low-risk Category: A Research Idea. Presented on 20th May 2019 at 41st Annual Meeting and Workshops of Society for Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists (SCA), Chicago, USA |
3 |
FirstAuthor |
Mantha S. Non-surgical treatment of painful fifth toe neuroma with intratumoral injection of autologous platelet rich plasma. Presented at 90th Interntational Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) annual meeting held in May 2016 at San Francisco, USA |
4 |
FirstAuthor |
R algorithm for Bayesian power model of continual reassessment method to determine ED95. Presented at 88th Interntational Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) annual meeting held in May 2014 at Montreal, Canada |
5 |
FirstAuthor |
Validation of bootstrap estimation of combined anesthesia and surgical time for cardiac surgical procedures. Presented at 87th Interntational Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) annual meeting held in May 2013 at San Diego, USA |
6 |
FirstAuthor |
Cervical epidural block for emergency hand surgery in a patient with untreated severe hypothyroidism. Challenging case report. Presented at 85th Interntational Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) annual meeting held in May 2011 at Vancouver, Canada. |
7 |
FirstAuthor |
Among nutrition criteria, admission day hypoalbuminemia predicts ICU mortality. Srinivas Mantha, Gopinath Ramachandran, Vishakha Prasad. Presented at 85th Interntational Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) annual meeting scheduled to be held in May 2011 at Vancouver, Canada. |
8 |
CoAuthor |
Validation of simplified acute physiology score 3 (SAPS 3) for predicting mortality in the respiratory care unit. Vishakha Prasad, Srinivas Mantha, Gopinath Ramachandran. Abstract presented at 85th Interntational Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) annual meeting held in May 2011 at Vancouver, Canada |
9 |
FirstAuthor |
Mantha S, Roizen M, Foss J. A Minitab Macro for nonparametric post hoc pair-wise comparisons after Friedman’s test and Kruskal-Wallis test. Abstract presentated at 82nd Annual Meeting of International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) on March 29- Apr 1 2008, at San Francisco, CA, USA |
10 |
FirstAuthor |
Mantha S. Meta-analysis of diagnostic tests: Two-stage Hierarchic model for combining likelihood ratios for positive and negative test results. Abstract presentated at 81st Annual Meeting of International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) on March 23-27, 2007, at Orlando, FL, USA |
11 |
CoAuthor |
Kaleem Abrar, Srinivas Mantha, Srilatha, Gopinath R. Quantificaiton of deafferantiation following central neuraxial blockade. Poster presented at 31st annual confernce of American Society of Regional Anesthesia (ASRA) April 2006 at Rancho Mirage, California, USA
12 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha, John E Ellis, Joseph Foss. Michael F Roizen . Intense cardiac troponin surveillance for long-term benefits is cost-effective in patients undergoing abdominal aortic surgery. Abstract accepted for presentated at 28th Annual Meeting of Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists on April 29-May 3, 2006, at San Diego, CA, USA
13 |
CoAuthor |
Kaleem Abrar, Srinivas Mantha, Srilatha, Gopinath R. Prediction of ICU mortality using variables at ICU admission. Poster presented at 53rd annual meeting of ISA December 2005 at Calcutta . Got the best poster award.
14 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha, John E Ellis . Cost-effectiveness of perioperative drug therapies in patients undergoing surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA): A cost-effectiveness analysis for long-term survival benefits. . Abstract accepted for presentation at 27th Annual Meeting of Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists on May 14-18, 2005, at Baltimore, Maryland, USA
15 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha, Lee A Fleisher, Michael F. Roizen. The value of coronary revascularization before vascular surgery for longterm survival benefits: A cost-effectiveness analysis. A paper presented at 25th Annual Meeting of Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists on Apr 26, 2003, at Miami, Florida, USA
16 |
CoAuthor |
The value of cardiac risk stratification before vascular surgery for long-term benefits: A cost-effectiveness analysis. (Abstract presented at the annual meeting of Society for Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, scheduled for May 2001 at Vancouver, Canada)
17 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha. Computer Modelling of Strategies to Limit HIV Spread in the Health Care Setting. Decision and Cost-effectiveness Analysis: Guest lecture Presented at International symposium on AIDS and Hepatitis at AIIS, New Delhi, India, January 1997.
18 |
FirstAuthor |
S. Mantha. J.F. Foss, J.E. Ellis, L.A. Fleisher, Roizen M.F. Using your data and a decision analysis model to evaluate cost-effectiveness of preoperative morbidity reducing strategies for vascular surgery patients. Paper presented at the 17th annual meeting of society for cardiovascular anesthesiologists (SCA), May 1995.
19 |
FirstAuthor |
S. Mantha, M.F.Roizen, J.Barnard, R.Thisted, J.E.Ellis, J.Foss. Relative effectiveness of four preoperative tests for predicting adverse cardiac events after vascular surgery: A meta-analysis. Paper presented at the 68th Congress of International Anesthesia Research Society at Orlando, Florida, March 1994.
20 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha. Controversies in the analysis of 2 X 2 tables. Paper presented at the 67th Congress of International Anesthesia Research Society in March 1993 (San Diego, USA). Abstract of the paper published in Anesthesia & Analgesia (Supplement)
21 |
FirstAuthor |
Srinivas Mantha. Auscultation sign to confirm correct needle placement in the caudal space. Paper presented at the 67th Congress of International Anesthesia Research Society in March 1993 (San Diego, USA).
Conferences: National |